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Where Abused Animals Provide Hands-On Therapy for Abused Kids. Where Love, Respect and Value are Learned.




"The reason I started The Kid Ranch Foundation was the knowing there are kids and animals out there that need help from Bad situations. They can be helped with love and understanding; and set on a good path with life skills." ~Tammy Wennmacher, Founder of The Kid Ranch Foundation.

"I was "on-board" with The Kid Ranch Foundation's goal before I even met Tammy. I have been called to address the needs of kids since 1985, and my home has always been open to Kids in Need, whether they needed a place to sleep, help with homework, or good, sound advice."~ Vicki Ellis, V.P., The Kid Ranch Foundation


Ashley and Mike have a heart for the canines. That's why they have been working so hard with the family dogs and foster dogs at Boo's Bully Haven for so many years. The dogs they have rescued have, for the most part, been successfully integrated into "Forever Homes".






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